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| 6084 Gulf Breeze Pwy Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Gulf Breeze FL Geography

gulf breeze fl geography

If you’re new to Gulf Breeze, FL, then you’re probably wondering where the city’s waterfront is. Well, this coastal city shares its location with Pensacola Bay, which means that it has a long, rich history. It is also home to ancient shell mounds that date back at least 1000 years. Native Americans in the area were known to have a penchant for eating seafood, and Spanish explorer Tristan de Luna attempted to settle here in 1559 but abandoned it within two years. Eventually, the Spanish returned in 1698, and in 1763, all of Florida was given to the British. It was known as the English Navy Cove because it was where ships were careened, or cleaned of barnacles.

The area’s demographics reflect the diversity of the area’s residents. Eighty-two percent of Gulf Breeze residents are white, while 3.7% are black or another color. Another 0.9% are Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Asian. The remaining 4.7% identify as Hispanic. Overall, there is a high unemployment rate of 8.2% for those who are sixteen years of age, and the government is responsible for 14.3% of the city’s jobs. The median household income is $, while the unemployment rate is 8.2%. Next article

Gulf Breeze is a family-centered community in south Santa Rosa County. It is situated on a peninsula between Pensacola Beach. With a moderate climate and plentiful natural opportunities for recreation, this community has become a thriving business community. A map of the city can be found on the link provided above. It is possible to find an excellent hotel at affordable prices, without any cancellation fees. A great post

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Gulf Breeze, FL. We compiled a quick list here.

Points of Interest # 1 Mariachi’s Mexican Grill 2747 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563, United States
Points of Interest # 2 Rotolo’s Pizzeria 888 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561, United States
Points of Interest # 3 Williamsburg Park 308-358 Williamsburg Dr, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561, United States
Points of Interest # 4 Gulf Breeze Library 1060 Shoreline Dr, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561, United States
Points of Interest # 5 Gulf Breeze Elementary School 549 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32561, United States